
Zwerg Riese (2011)

Rank: 14903
2-4 Players
20 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.67/5

Designer: Marco Teubner

Artist: Michael Menzel

Publisher: HABA

Dwarves want gold. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. But since their legs are short, walking from location to location to collect gold takes a long time – which is why they don't walk on their own, but instead use a giant for transportation. The only problem is that all the dwarves must share the same giant, which means you can't always get where you want.

In Zwerg Riese, the dwarven players want to make use of their giantmobile in order to reach towns and claim the gold sitting there. (Why don't townspeople want the gold themselves? I'm hesitant to ask.) In order to move the giant, though, you must pay him a landscape card to match the land through which you're moving. You'll need to manage your hand of land cards carefully in order to keep moving and not let another dwarf take the gold you were eyeing.

Zwerg Riese includes variant rules for more experienced dwarves, one that puts a storm cloud in play on the board.

Zwerg Riese / Rik le géant has won the As d’Or - Jeu de l’Année Enfant 2012

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