Tunhell is a family card game, epic and fun in which every player is at the head of dwarves' crew and tries to amass more treasures than his opponents. Then recruit, dig at your own risks and fight!
Beardiest player can begin! Play then proceed clockwise around the table, each player taking one turn at a time until the game ends.
On his turn, a player must perform one (and only one) of the 2 following actions:To recruit a Dwarf, the active player picks a «Dwarf » card available in the «recruitment center» and adds it to his hand. Then he immediately puts a replacement card face-up from the deck to have 5 cards in the row again. A player cannot have more than 6 cards in his hand.
The game ends immediately when 2 of the 3 decks of «Mine» cards are empty. Each player adds the Victory points of the cards of his loot, and the trophies he eventually obtained. The player who has the most is the big winner. Well, big…