Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Tactic
From the box:
Thomas has collected four trucks from the sheds and is setting off around Sodor to fill them up with important cargo. Help Thomas load up these tricky trucks by choosing a station and using the loading chute to load them up. Be quick to load up your tricky truck, switch the station lever and win the game!
Tuut, tuut, here comes Thomas is a battery operated action game. Thomas the Tank Engine and four different colored wagons moves around the board and each player has 8 balls that they need to drop in their "launcher" at the exact time so that it falls in "their" wagon. To complicate matters a bit, the wagons are only open in a short time.
Unlike Looping Louie (perhaps the best known battery operated action game amongst the BGG users), there are no interactivity between the players, so you only need to concentrate on your own balls and wagon.