In the 1760s, a society called the Tian Di Hui ("The Society of Heaven and Earth") was formed in China to overthrow the Manchu-led Qing Dynasty and restore Han Chinese rule. Following the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty of China in 1911, the Tian Di Hui suddenly found themselves without purpose. They could no longer rely on donations from sympathetic locals. Being unable to resume normal civilian lives after years of hiding, they turned to illegal activities - thus giving birth to the modern Triad gangs. As the Tian Di Hui spread through different parts of China, it branched off into many groups.
In this game, compete with other Tian Di Hui factions to collect black market items and sell them to smugglers. Players take turns purchasing cards from various dealers and collectors (card areas) and build poker hands to challenge for a set number of different valued pots. The person with the most money after the rush of items completes is the winner.