StreetSmart models a rapidly growing city in a developing country.
The players are Capitalists/Politicians/Maffiabosses trying to control as many neighborhoods/slums as possible. Each turn you move one of the city's characters: the Consumer, the Gangster, the Policeman, the Smoker or the Fireman. The characters are moved by simultaneously playing direction cards. Predicting your opponents' moves in order to disrupt their plans is a major part of the game. The game is fast and easy; for a more complex gameplay, there are expansions included in the game:
The Bureaucrat Game adds the Bureaucrat character who creates Addresses and grants Land Titles. The Cholera Game adds an epidemic as well as the Garbageman, Bacterium and Doctor characters. In the Power & Water Game you fight for access to electricity and freshwater for your subjects.
Each expansion can be played in Original Mode, in Chess Mode (no luck factor) or in Political Mode (The players elect a Mayor who then decides who controls which character.)