
ぬくみ温泉繁盛記 (Nukumi Onsen Hanjouki) (2020)

Players place workers to build the most popular Japanese hot spring inn (ryokan).

Rank: 11821
1-4 Players
20-60 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.00/5

ぬくみ温泉繁盛記 (Nukumi Onsen Hanjouki) is a worker placement game from Japan, where players compete in expanding one's onsen (hot spring) inns to be the most popular in the world.

Players have only three worker meeples to place on cards and trigger effects. Players are able to use other cards to gain tiles, which are placed to expand their inn from one room, to a wide inn with gardens.

The game includes solitaire play.

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