
Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erbe (2016)

Rank: 19290
2-5 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Lady Richmond - Fast fight for inheritance! is a fast auction game in which players bid for the inheritance of Lady Richmond. Bid, cheat, and acquire the most valuable pieces to win the game.

English publisher's text:
... There's excitement at the Wetherby auction house. After the unexpected passing of wealthy Lady Richmond, her estate is being auctioned off. The player who keeps an overview of the auction chaos and uses their money carefully will manage to secure the best items and win the turbulent game.
Bid, cheat, and grab the inheritance ... Lady Richmond offers excitement to the very end!

1. The game board slowly fills up with valuable heirlooms – but also with worthless junk.

2. Be quick: Grab the auction block at the right moment and make the first bid.

3. But bidding is not everything: Use the cheat tiles and irritate the other players!

German publisher's text:
... Hochspannung im Auktionshaus Wetherby. Nachdem die reiche Lady Richmond unerwartet dahingeschieden ist, wird nun der Nachlass versteigert. Wer im Getümmel der Auktion die Übersicht behält und sein Geld mit Bedacht einsetzt, schafft es am Ende, sich die besten Stücke zu sichern und die turbulente Zockerei zu gewinnen.
Ein rasantes Versteigerungsspiel.
Hochspannung bis zum Schluss!

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