Publisher: Alchemist Games, (Self-Published)
A fast paced easy to learn game that is fun for the whole family. Be the first to collect five diamonds and prove that you are the ultimate criminal. Each player has a limited amount of time to build a criminal empire and build up their cash reserves so that they can out bid their opponents for the coveted diamonds.
Each player will take on the role of Kingpin, Fence, Pickpocket, and Corrupt Politician to prove that they the are the best at being bad.
Game play
As soon as the dealer is ready, they start the timer. They do not have to wait for the rest of the players to be ready. As soon as the timer is started the dealer begins drawing cards one at a time from the Crime Card deck and either giving it to the player to their left or adding it to their hand and giving the player to their left a card from their hand. This continues with cards being passed around the circle this way until time runs out.
Once time runs out, starting with the dealer each player takes a turn biding for one of the diamonds. One at a time each player states the value of their bid and places the cards that they are using for their bid face down in front of them. Each bid must consist of only one type of Crime Card. You cannot have a mix of cards with different values. Once all the players have bid, the player with the highest remaining bid wins and takes a diamond from the middle pile. The first player to accumulate five diamonds wins.
—description from the publisher