
Medieval (2007)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
60 Min
Age: --
Complexity: --

Western Europe, middle of the VIII century. The players take on the role of the growing monastic orders of the time, and their mission is to be first in building a certain number of abbeys across the board. Round after round, the senior abbots of each order rely on the benefits derived from those in power to make their abbeys the most influential political, spiritual or production centers, or all three, as those hardy monks were at the same time those who prayed, those who fought and those who worked.

Game elements:

1 Board (Showing a map of Western Europe divided in 7 regions)
5 Senior Abbot figures
6 Power cards (King, Baron, Hermit, Abbot, Bishop and Townsman)
6 Brother cards (Herbolarius, Cook, Secretary, Blacksmith, Goldsmith, Copyist)
10 Action markers (2 in each of the players’ colors)
36 Power tokens (12 of each: Spiritual, Political, and Material)
36 Foundation markers (featuring two or three power symbols)
50 Abbeys (10 in each of the players’ colors)
84 Buildings (14 of each: Chancellery, Blacksmith shop, Scriptorium, Basilica, Wheat, Wine Cellar.)
102 Good tokens (17 of each: Books, Reliquaries; Letters, Shields; Wine Bottles, loaves of Bread)
50 coins (30 x $5, 20 x $1)
1 Pope figure

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