Designer: Antoine Bauza, Corentin Lebrat, Ludovic Maublanc, Théo Rivière
Artist: Vianney Carvalho
Publisher: Capitaine Meeple
As cruise organizers in Bienvenue à bord, the two players must manage the reception of travelers in the cabins of their boat.
Each round, one player is the dealer, drawing three cards face up, then splitting them into two groups. The other player chooses one group for themself, while the dealer receives the remaining group. Cards are of three main types:
After each of the five rounds, one of four "stopover" cards is revealed and resolved. Whoever has the most of a certain element — passengers, open cabins, etc. — receives 6 VPs. When the game ends, players receive additional points based on symbols they've collected and objectives they've met.
Only available in French.