
Bastards Inc. (2004)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
90 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Marc Röder, Niko Ruf

Publisher: (Web published)

Ba$tard$ Inc. is a satirical boardgame for 2-6 players. Each player controls an international mega corporation and tries to manipulate politics, the economy, and the media for profit. You can even start wars to earn money, but be careful as things can get out of hand...

Some features of the game:

- Corporations have different strengths and weaknesses, which their player must choose at the beginning of the game. This makes different strategies possible.

- Action cards allow the players to manipulate the game in various ways, damage their competitors, or earn money through shady deals.

Ba$tard$ Inc. is available online for free (see the link section) as a print-and-play kit. You also need to supply some components.

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