
Aloha Pioha (2016)

Rank: 9028
1-4 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.22/5

Designer: Isra C., Shei S.

Artist: Paco Dana

Publisher: Primigenio

Little Pualani is enjoying a splendid day at Lanikai beach when she suddenly notices something wrong with her hair. LICE! Pualani has lice! But not just any lice...mischievous lice who are having a good time playing with her hair and tickling her. There will come a time, however, when Pualani won't be able to endure those damned lice, and she will have to try to eliminate them!

Aloha Pioha is a fast card game where each player represents the chief of a tribe of Hawaiian lice who are having a blast pulling a little girl's hair. You must play your lice cards wisely, manage your hand, and be the most cunning to win the battle of the hair!

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