
Weapon Wars (2019)

Rank: 12260
2-6 Players
10-40 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Carlos David Perez Tovar

Artist: Rodrigo Gil

Publisher: Lodus Games

Easy and fast game for 2 to 6 players where you battle your friends with the most iconic weapons from geek culture trying to be the last one standing.
Every player draws 5 cards and the starting player places a weapon from his hand and attacks the player to his right (then draws a card), the next player will need to place a weapon equal or more powerful weapon to survive and so on.
When a player can't place a weapon or a power card, he loses a round and the player who killed him obtains a heart token.
The first to obtain 3 hearts, wins the game.

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