
Washington's Army (2010)

Rank: --
2-0 Players
180 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: The RFCM Team

Publisher: Peter Pig

Using similar systems to those used in Civil War Battles, Washington's Army is Peter Pig's AWI ruleset covering warfare in the late 18th century.

Figure scale is recommended at 15mm, and a supporting range of figures is available from the publisher.

Publisher Blurb::

Players each bring a points based army to the game. The game generates the scenario by way of considering player’s enthusiasm for being the attacker and his leanings in events. The basic unit is the infantry battalion. All mechanisms use standard 6 sided dice. Usually along the lines of 'three bases shooting, therefore roll 3 dice'. No paper record keeping. Casualties, disorder etc is shown by adding markers to the unit. Game usually last about 6 turns. Played on a 5 x 3 foot table. Measurements in inches. Musket range 10". Units are motivated and then use action points. Victory is based upon objectives, destructions and ground. WA only covers AWI. Peculiar to this set are off table flankers, riflemen, Indians and a lot of scenery. A typical army might consist of 9 foot units, 1 cavalry unit, 1 field gun and 4 mounted commanders.

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