
Tobynstein (2007)

Rank: 18321
3-6 Players
20 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 1.55/5

Designer: Josep M. Allué

Artist: Siscu Bellido

Publisher: HomoLudicus, Perra Cómics

Young Frankensteins apprentices meet on summertime.

Bored, they start a race about reanimating pets.

Who will be the first to reanimate a pet?

A cat, a dog, an iguana? A mix of them all?

Doesn't matter if you are the first to do it. Dig the graves, sew the body parts and achieve a lightning that goes through your now complete animal body to bring it to life.

Quick and fun dead animal game.

This game will be released in Essen 2007.

Home Page: http://www.tobynstein.com

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