
Titanic: The Board Game (1998)

Collect your belongings and make your way to the lifeboats before the ship sinks.

Rank: 23279
2-6 Players
90 Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: 1.31/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Rubinstein, Universal Games

"Gossip with other passengers, receive telegrams and collect all five pieces of your personal property to advance from the Second Class to the First Class section of the ship. But watch out, you might get put back in steerage or, worse yet, never make it to your lifeboat in time..."

Using a system similar to Escape from Colditz, in this game you must collect the necessary items (passport, valuables, life vest, room key, etc.) to make it to a lifeboat before the Titanic sinks.

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