
The Three Stooges Card Game (1998)

Rank: 22200
2-3 Players
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Designer: Ken Whitman

Publisher: Archangel Studios

This game is very reminiscent of Lunch Money. You play attack cards on other players from your hand of 5 until either you run out of cards or another player plays a defensive card. Cards can set up combo's and some can redirect the attack elsewhere.

Cards have appropriate pictures of the Stooges covering the whole card based on what the card is. The cards come in the varieties you would expect such as Poke in the Eye, Duck and of course Nyuck! Nyuck! Nyuck!. The cards clearly explain what they are used for so unlike Lunch Money you do not need a cheat sheet when playing.

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