
The Perfect Moment (2019)

If given the chance to rewrite history, would you be brave enough to take it?

Rank: 18643
1-2 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 2.25/5

If only...

Everyone has something about their past they desperately wish they could change: a terrible loss, that missed opportunity, the greatest of mistakes. If only you had known that that one tiny detail would make all the difference. If only you could do it again, everything would be different now. But if you WERE given the chance to rewrite history, would be brave enough to take it? Could you face the unknown and its unforeseen consequences? Could you fight fate to create the perfect moment?

In The Perfect Moment, players race to rewrite history in their favor using a deck of only 18 cards. Players use equipment, exploit paradoxes in the time-space continuum, and author their own revision of the past. Featuring a clever multi-sided card system, every card is used by both players based on what they can see. Equipping that card for yourself may just give your opponent the ability they were looking for. Every turn, players activate up to two revealed cards, which each have special effects. After the effects are resolved, the player can optionally score a card to earn up to 3 points depending on how closely they match it. The first player to 16 points wins. It takes careful planning and a bit of luck to avoid failing like you have so many times before. This time will be different.

This time...

Includes the first 3 sets of the series, and the solo mode rule set:
  • 1994: A Relationship Gone Wrong
  • 1981: A Bank Robbery Gone Wrong
  • 2005: A Big Event Gone Wrong
  • The Perfect Moment: Echoes (1st version)
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