
Texas Glory (2008)

Rank: 6763
2 Players
120 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.48/5

In 1835 Texas fought for independence from Mexico. The Mexican dictator, Santa Anna, responded in 1836 by recapturing the Alamo and overrunning much of Texas until he was captured at the battle of San Jacinto.

Texas Glory is a strategy wargame that brings this exciting period in history to life. Men like Houston, Austin, Crockett, and Bowie play key roles in the Texan struggle to defeat superior Mexican forces with a small but heroic army.

The game is challenging and exciting for both players. The Mexicans have a powerful army but time and supply are their enemies.

Intervention by U.S. forces can occur and the fierce Comanche are a threat to both sides.

  • 60 wooden blocks
  • Mapboard (22 x 25.5 inches)
  • Labels
  • Rules 1.01
  • 25 cards
  • 4 Dice

(from Columbia Games website)

Block wargame.

The campaigns for Texas Independence were much more than just the Alamo. Texas Glory includes the preliminary 1835 clashes when the Texans under Austin expelled the Mexican garrison from San Antonio de Bejar. It then covers Santa Anna's 1836 surprise late winter campaign that began with his recapture of the Alamo, but ended with Texan victory at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21,1836.

This fast-playing game reflects the balanced struggle between the Mexicans and the Texans. Sam Houston must delay superior Mexican forces until he can gather enough troops to risk a battle. The Mexicans must sweep across Texas with utmost speed because time and supply are their enemies. The significant role of "American Volunteers" in the eventual outcome becomes clear.

Texas Glory FAQ

(from BGG user)


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Texas Glory

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