
Sthlm Maffia (2009)

Rank: --
3-7 Players
90 Min
Age: 15+
Complexity: 1.75/5

Publisher blurb (Swedish):

STHLM MAFFIA är spelet där du ska ta dig till toppen av Stockholms undre värld genom att råna, smuggla och mörda. Bygg upp en organisation av lojala gängmedlemmar och alliera dig med andra spelare för att nå dina mål. Men kom ihåg att aldrig lita på någon. När du står inför valet att fucka någon eller att själv bli fuckad, reduceras dina vänner till hinder på din väg mot toppen.

STHLM MAFFIA sträcker sig långt djupare än sin hårda yta och ställer krav på spelarnas intelligens och övertalningsförmåga. Spelet kan spelas av tre till sju spelare och har en rekommenderad åldersgräns på 15 år.

English user description, edited by designer

Sthlm Maffia (Stockholm Mafia) is a fast paced, party game-type card game. Each turn, you draw two cards from a common draw pile, and use these cards to form and assist your gang members. If you draw a gang member, you can add him to your gang (but have to pay him money each turn). If you draw a special ability (like drug king) or a racket (selling stolen cars, owning an illegal gaming club) you can attach it to any of your gang members. You can also happen to draw crack cards (alcoholic, drug addict, rat) that you have to attach to any of your members.

"Smugglings" and "heists" usually require more gang members than you have in your gang. Team up with another gang, decide on how to split the loot, roll the die to determine success. If the hit/smuggling failed, all participants must roll the die to see if they were caught (in which case the gang members are lost). If it succeeds, all gangs involved secretly choose the card "deal" or "you're fucked" and show it to the others simultaneously. If all shows "deal", the loot is split according to the deal. If one of the gangs shows "you're fucked" he takes the lot. If two or more shows "you're fucked", there is a shootout, the police arrives, and no one gets anything.

There is also the option to use your gang members to kill off your opponents cronies in order to take command of their rackets or to steal their money.

The game is language level 2 or 3 borderline case.

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