
Shift (2007)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
0 Min
Age: 9+
Complexity: 0.00/5

From the publisher's web site:

Shift is a board game for 2-6 players.
It is about Love, Fear, Work, Relationships and Human Behavior and it might just change your life.

Have you ever wondered why some see a sunset and immediately become grateful while others see a sunset and immediately think, "Man, where did the day go?"

Or why some people can spill a glass of wine and think that will make a great story, while others will see it as having the same catastrophic impact as the sinking of The Titanic, and then conclude it was the vineyards fault for making the wine? Then, get these answers and more… Shift is a personality x-ray machine that enables you to see what’s driving your friends and most importantly, what’s driving you.

All it takes is a shift in thought to shift your life…

Play Shift and Make your Move.

Home Page: http://www.shiftthegame.com/

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