Sauschwer is an estimable estimation game in which everything revolves around weight. A baby hippo is certainly heavier than a 10-liter bucket of silver – or is it? And what if we add enough grapes to the silver to produce 100 liters of wine? Or 1000 tennis balls? Or...
Each of the 188 playing cards in Sauschwer asks for the weight of a person or one or more objects. On a turn, the active player estimates the weight in his mind and places the card next to one end of a seesaw scale. After that, he places a wooden pig on the side of the scale that he thinks is now the heavier side (adding the "weights" of all cards on both sides in mind). If at least one other player doubts that guess, all players bet on one side of the scale being the heavier one. The result is often close and surprising, and the players who guessed correctly earn victory points.