Designer: Walter Wolf Windisch
Publisher: Hausser
Object of this game is to deliver 2 loads to the 2 oases and return to the staring point first.
The loads are carried by nice camels or dromedaries and movement depends on the number of loads as well as on the wind, which is determined with a roll of a spinner. The spinner is also responsible for determining how the sand dunes are shifting and if there are some Fata Morganas on the horizon.
( Fata Morganas are caused by hot and cold air which distorts the appearance of objects on the horizon either at sea or in the desert to make them look like, well, castles in the air.)
Additionally, there are some fixed desert fields on the board, but the main problem is, that when encountering such obstacles you need the use of water canisters. Each player has only 6 canisters and losing all of them means a restart or sometimes an elimination of the game.