Designer: Chris Huntoon
Publisher: (Self-Published)
The game is played on an 8x8 board representing a garden.
There are two players – White and Red. Each player has sixteen pieces consisting of:
The garden Décor (a statue and a bench) once set does not move and cannot be captured by either side. In other words, they act as permanent Blocks.
The Queens move and capture just like Chess Queens.
The Roses, once placed, do not move.
The game is played in two phases – “Planting” and “Gathering”
Planting: The players first each set their own piece of Décor on any empty space on the board. This is then followed by their Queens. The players must place their Queens so no Queen can immediately attack an opponent’s Queen. Lastly, all the Roses are arranged around the board, in any remaining empty spaces.
Gathering: Once all the pieces are set, players then can move their Queens around the board, capturing an opponent’s pieces – both Roses and Queens.
Goal - There are two different ways to win: