
Recicle: Tempos de Crise (2010)

Rank: 7305
2-4 Players
120 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 3.04/5

Recycle, Critical Times is a new game based on the original Recicle. Several changes were implemented, from the rules to the art design. Now, players may hire designers and merchants to improve their Cooperative, may buy collecting trucks for organic material and install new kinds of recycling equipment giving the game a new strategy felling. Players begin without money and loans are permitted, although times are critical and the interests are high.
The basics of the original are kept. Collectors move around the board collecting from paper, plastic, UHT, metal and glass tiles. They must take them to the Cooperative. In the new game, the street Collectors may also sell tiles to a public Warehouse where they can make some money before the Cooperative gets the materials to recycle.

At first, the game was self-published and handmade.
In 2011 published by brazilian company Galápagos Jogos.

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