In this video recorded in the BGG booth during Spiel 2014, Gerdts presents an overview of both items in a few minutes:
• I never imagined samurai as being colorful, but the figures in Martin Schlegel's Takamatsu from Mücke Spiele have a good look to them and certainly make the case for Benetton-inspired outfits for those who are considering a career as a samurai.
• Bruce Whitehill's Lunte from Mücke Spiele puts players in the role of bomb throwers who want to collect lots of fuse cards during play, presumably so that they have sufficient time to get away from the scene of the explosion in order to save their own hides!
• Tom Lehmann's Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age from Gryphon Games builds on Matt Leacock's RTTA: The Bronze Age, transforming the game system to a new era and new lands.
• Typically you see a game's cover image on BGG or a publisher's website, then realize only later when you finally see the game that you thought the box was far larger because of all the detail that you could see in the image. Such is not the case with Dawn: Rise of the Occulites from designer Ben Boersma, Darwin Games and Eagle Games, which comes in one of the largest boxes that I've seen. It's not Planet Steam-size, mind you, but it's not far off.