It is very important that the solo mode of SOLITARIA reflects how Concordia works and feels. You have to be efficient. You will face surprising reactions of your opponent.
Solitaria is playable within 30 minutes. It's quite fast because your opponent is't involved with micro-management like managing his resources.
But your opponent is building houses, building and moving his colonists around, purchasing cards, and maybe grabbing the Concordia card before you.
• Other titles coming from Arcane Wonders in 2021 include Aquatica: Cold Waters in Q1; Martin Doležal's Four Gardens in Mar/Apr 2021 (with more copies of the Korea Boardgames version likely to be available through the BGG Store just prior to that release); Viral: The Hive, an expansion for MEBO Games' Viral in Q1/Q2 2021, and Ivan Lashin's Furnace in Q2/Q3. (Regarding this last title, I've played this auction-based, engine-building game three times so far and will preview it once I have more experience. The auction element is the most compelling part of the game as you pretty much always get something for each bid you place, making both your choices and everyone else's quite important.)
• A BGG user has discovered that Ares Games will release a new version of Carlo A. Rossi's Hab & Gut in 2021. This design for 3-5 players has you trying to earn money while manipulating stock prices, with you sharing cards with each of your two neighbors — a great system that pools the knowledge of what can possibly happen between players, with you then (possibly) being able to guess what your neighbors can see on their other side based on their actions. Whoever donates the least to charity automatically loses, so ideally you can dump a stock that's more valuable for a neighbor than for you, while making yourself look good in the process.
• Ahead of SPIEL.digital 2020, EmperorS4 had announced that it might have "Hanamikoji 2" available for that show, but in the end the Taiwanese publisher decided to postpone its new releases for 2020.
Now it's revealed a bit of info about Hanamikoji: Geisha's Road, a two-player design by in-house designer Eros Lin that serves as a spiritual successor to Kota Nakayama's Hanamikoji. Here's an overview of the game:
In Hanamikoji: Geisha's Road, you are the Okami (owner) of a restaurant who is trying to solicit business by allocating the schedules for the five most famous Geishas. Their performances will reward them with precious gifts, and you can get your cut from their prosperity — but you are not alone in this business. Can you outwit your opponent and get the most out of the elegant Geishas?
In this game, players play their hand cards to move five Geishas clockwise around the five restaurants. The cards played in each restaurant determine which Geisha will score there, and the player who has the higher total value of that color in hand receives the points.