• For an even more weirdly nostalgic release, how about Mattel's Rock'em Sock'em Robots Dice Game, which comes packaged in a soda can-shaped container, perfect for throwing out accidentally when you're cleaning your car after a long trip. A summary of this quick-playing game:
If you've been hit, you can try to roll "block" on all your dice. If you do, flip one of your face-up markers face down again, then shuffle it with your remaining face-down markers.
Panthalos lasts at most eight rounds, but the game can end earlier if the powers of the underworld become too large...
Each player has three Boomers. On a turn, a player moves one Boomer in a straight line on the game board grid, moving it as many spaces as they wish. After this, he may use this Boomer and one of the opponent's Boomers to place cornerstones on the game board; these cornerstones are placed on the intersections where these two Boomers would meet, should they move toward one another. (If one of the Boomers couldn't reach an intersection point due to another piece being in the way, that cornerstone is not placed.)
Chains of cornerstones form borders on the game board, and at some point these borders will close off certain areas from the rest of the game board. If Boomers of only one color are in an area, this area/homestead belongs to the owner of those Boomers.
The game ends once all Boomers have their own homestead. Players receive 1 point for every square in their homesteads, and whoever has the higher score wins.