Variant of Amazons with a more complex end scoring.
Designer: Martyn F
Publisher: Emma Games
TWRS is a strategy game for 2 players, which can be played in about twenty minutes. The game board consists of a grid of 11x11 lines. Playing takes place on the lines of intersection (like Go).
Each player possesses three towers (hence TWRS). Each turn you must move one of them. You can move a tower horizontally or vertically, as far as you wish. You can't jump over other playing pieces however.
After this, you can "activate" the tower you moved to place marking stones on the game board. You try to use these to lessen the freedom of movement of your opponent's towers. But they also lessen the freedom of movement of your own towers!
Chains of marking stones can wall off parts of the game board. Play ends when every walled off area is occupied only by towers of one player.
The player that possesses the largest part of the game board wins.
TWRS is published in a limited edition of 265 pieces. This collector's edition comprises blown glass pieces and a stainless steel box and game board.