On each turn, you can choose only one type of animal to count toward your score, so choose wisely! Once you choose your scoring animal, you can re-roll the rest of your dice to see whether you can score more — but be careful as any blanks you get from re-rolling cause you to lose that die for the rest of the game.
• At PAX Unplugged, Calliope Games plans to demo Tsuro: Phoenix Rising, which is due out in 2019. No details on how this differs from the other two Tsuro games, but I would guess that the board intermittently bursts into flames.
• Burnt Island Games debuted in 2018 with the release of Endeavor: Age of Sail, co-published with Grand Gamers Guild, and at PAXU it will demo both this game and its 2019 release In the Hall of the Mountain King from designers Jay Cormier and Graeme Jahns. Strangely, despite the promise of the cover, you apparently can't get your hands on a piggie in this game, as explained below:
Working on the same game board with the other players (but beginning at your own entrance), you'll dig a competing network of tunnels by spending increasingly valuable materials to lay polyomino tiles onto the map. You want to extend your tunnels to connect with buried gold and materials, with workshop locations that can transform resources, and especially with toppled statues. Statues are key to scoring, and you'll spend carts to move them through the tunnels to prime scoring locations near the heart of the mountain.
A major aspect of the game is the cascading production. You begin with a line of four trolls, and every troll shows the combination of resources — gold, stone, iron, marble, carts, runes, and hammers — that it produces. When a new troll is hired, place it above two other trolls, forming a "pyramid". The new troll activates, gaining its resources, and any trolls beneath it ALSO activate, gaining any resources that they have room to carry. In this way as you hire more trolls, you gain bigger and bigger windfalls of resources as the end of the game nears. The timing of your hiring turns versus your building turns is important as you try to maximize your cascades while making sure you get the trolls you want from the shared market and also stay competitive on the map.
The game ends shortly after the last player hires their sixth troll, then the player with the most honor (earned for digging tunnels of increasing quality, for excavating great halls, and for moving statues closer to the heart of the mountain, especially onto matching pedestals) is crowned the Mountain King and wins!
In Tiny Towns, your town is represented by a 4x4 grid on which you will place resource cubes in specific layouts to construct buildings. Each building scores victory points (VPs) in a unique way. When no player can place any more resources or construct any buildings, the game ends, and any squares without a building are worth -1 VP. The player with the most VP wins!