Multiplayer Games
—Abluxxen, by Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling (Ravensburger)
—Caverna: The Cave Farmers, by Uwe Rosenberg (Lookout Games)
—Concordia, by Mac Gerdts (PD Verlag)
—Freedom: The Underground Railroad, by Brian Mayer (Academy Games)
—Istanbul, by Rüdiger Dorn (Pegasus Spiele)
—Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy, by M.J.E. Hendriks (Portal Games)
—Lewis & Clark, by Cédrick Chaboussit (Ludonaute)
—Nations, by Rustan and Nina Håkansson & Einar and Robert Rosén (Lautapelit.fi)
—Russian Railroads, by Helmut Ohley and Leonhard Orgler (Hans im Glück)
—Spyrium, by William Attia (Ystari Games)
Two-player Games
—BattleLore (second edition), by Richard Borg and Robert A. Kouba (Fantasy Flight Games)
—Heroes of Normandie, by Yann et Clem (Devil Pig Games)
—Limes, by Martyn F (ABACUSSPIELE)
—Morels, by Brent Povis (Two Lanterns Games)
—Pagoda, by Arve D. Fühler (Pegasus Spiele)
Congrats to the nominees! The winners will likely be announced in late September 2014.
• Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim's Belfort from Tasty Minstrel Games won the 2014 Geekie Award in the category of tabletop games — but since the award ceremony took place on the final day of Gen Con 2014, neither the publisher nor either of the designers was on hand to accept the award. The other nominees in the category were Forbidden Desert, Council of Verona, Dread Curse and Little Wizards (which is an English version of the Contes Ensorcelés RPG from Antoine Bauza that was originally released on the French market).
What are The Geekie Awards? I'm not sure to be honest, but its website describes them as follows: "The Geekie Awards is an award show by geeks for geeks, celebrating the highest quality, indie-created geek-genre content, art, games and products in the world." Okay. If nothing else, I just discovered Little Wizards through it and now have a copy coming to me to try out with my little wizard.
• As he does each year, Pete Ruth at Superfly Circus has posted a massive Gen Con magazine (PDF) covering what he saw at the con. Of special interest: He notes on the front page that in a follow-up call with Gale Force Nine he learned that "they are in the process of playtesting two new licensed games: one based on Homeland, a show about spycraft and terrorism, as well as a game based on the classic show Family Guy". Man, I need to hold off a bit on updates to the Spiel 2014 Preview and finish getting through all of my notes and BGG's videos for Gen Con 2014...