
My Story (2017)

Rank: 8534
2-4 Players
45-60 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 2.67/5

Designer: Smoox Chen

Publisher: Homosapiens Lab

It has been said that: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get." The gamer might say: "Life is like a deck of cards, you never know what you're going to draw." However, just like you make choices in your life, your choices will guide you in building your own deck.

My Story is a deck-building card game for 2-4 players that invites you to experience a colorful and fulfilling life in less than 60 minutes. In this game, players get to build the deck of their life by gaining new Life Stories, completing Projects, and potentially switching to a new Occupation. The game ends when all players reach the age of retirement, and the player who lives the most gratifying life and scores the highest victory points wins!

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