
Marauders of the Great Wastelands (2018)

Rank: 17232
2-4 Players
40-80 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 2.50/5

The flame of the Third World War divided the remnants of mankind into two unequal parts. The largest of them suffer the totalitarian oppression of mysterious pests in mega-hive cities, and the other lives freely in the desert expanses of the deceased world. These are raiders, and their life is short and bright, like a burning gas canister. Here, in the Great Wastes, strong and furious fighters seize several sources of resources, and losers are allowed to flow.

Gain the most habar chips by the end of the game. To do this you must send your helpers to the Great Wastes, collect the habar, and seize the territory.

The game lasts four rounds, and each of them consists of sequential moves of the players. At the beginning of the round, new territories are opened, for which gangs have to fight for, and on each is spread of 5 chips of habars - these are victory points that players will earn.
In their turn, the player plays Raider cards:
  • they can be prepared for a raid (lay out a cards in front of himself);
  • player make a raid on one of the bases and be sure the number of his raiders is exceed the number of opponent's raiders located on the base;
  • also player can hire a rabble - special support cards to strengthen his army for future moves.

If a player attacks the base, then the opponent's raiders are discarded, and the player takes 1 habar chip or more if the properties of his raiders allow.
If all bases are looted, the current round ends and a new one begins.

The game ends after the fourth round and the player whose gang collects the most habar chips wins.

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