
Klumpeduns (1991)

Rank: 18448
2-6 Players
30 Min
Age: 3+
Complexity: 1.00/5

You start off by building a 15 layer tower where each layer consists of 3 rectangular bricks. The bricks come in 3 different colours and are of slightly different thickness (this is the basic difference between Klumpeduns and other Mechanism: Tower Stacking).

Each player in turn, rolls the die and must then remove a brick of corresponding colour from the tower and place it on the top of the tower, using only one hand. There must be at least one complete layer of bricks above the piece the player removes.

The player that makes the tower fall over is out and pronounced "Klumpeduns" (Mr. clumsy). The other players start over until there is only one player left, thus winning the game.

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