
Hunters over Korea: A Solitaire Game of Air Combat over Korea (1950-1953) (2014)

Rank: --
1 Player
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.67/5

Hunters over Korea is a Game where you are a Commander of a Fighter-Bomber Squadron during the Korean War (1950-1953). Your Goal is to manage your aircraft and Complete a Campaign consisting of a series of Missions and score as many Victory Points (VP) as possible to assist the war efforts. Campaigns can be Short (8 Missions), Moderate (12 Missions), or Long (16 Missions). Squadron Aircraft include P-51 Mustangs, F-80 Shooting Stars and F-86 Sabres.

VPs are earned by destroying enemy aircraft and ground targets. You lose VPs by losing aircraft and failing to complete missions. The Player moves his/her Squadron Flight Counter on the Battlefield Map, however, combat is resolved easily off-map using an Inititiative Track. If you enjoy movies like "The Bridges of Toko-Ri" and "The Hunters", or Korean War Air Combat in general, this game is for you.

Missions include Bomber Escort, MIG CAP, Ground Support, and Tactical Air Strikes. Rules provide means for Pilot improvement and Squadron Aircraft Upgrades.

The Game, also, includes rules and counters for Naval Air Squadrons including F4-U Corsaires, A-1 Skyraiders and F9f Panthers.

Most Games usually take 2-4 Hours to print out and assemble, depending on the number of counters, Cards and Mapsheets.

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