
Hopp Galopp (2002)

Rank: 18808
2-4 Players
15 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Designer: Ralf Menzel

Artist: Doris Matthäus, Gesa Sander

Publisher: HABA

A bit of luck with the dice will help the children have their horse jump over the hurdles. The referee makes sure that each horse starts from the right spot.

Who will be the first to have their horse jump over the last hurdle?

Game idea:
With the sugar cube, the players determine for themselves over how many hurdles their horse should jump. However, the horse will only be able to make the jump if the colour of the hurdle and the dice don't coincide. If the horse fails a jump it has to return to the referee who makes sure that everybody complies with the rules and is always waiting next to the starting square of the round that is being played.

A coloured die and hurdle race for adventurous players.

Ages 6-99

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