
Guilty Gods (2011)

Rank: 18798
2 Players
20 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.33/5

Seeing the end of their era, gods of Gaia start the struggle for dominance. In this two-player card game opponents take parts of Lilium, the Lady of the Forest, and Umbra, the Spirit of Darkness, trying to destroy each other. Each side is represented by 3 Summoners with different abilities. On a players's turn he decides which one of his Summoners to use. Decks consist of creature cards that can be summoned during play and sent to attack opponent or block his offence. Certain creatures may be united into powerful combos. Some special abilities are activated with Divine Seals that have to be accumulated during play. The first player to reduce his opponent's Gnosis Points to zero or to destroy all opponent's creatures wins.

Not compatible with Anima card game series.

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