
GiriGiri Curry (2017)

Rank: 17481
2-5 Players
5-20 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

In GiriGiri Curry, curry chefs (players) take turns adding ingredients in attempt to try and make the best tasting soup, meat, vegetable, or seafood curry. Each pot of curry has a recipe and a "balance limit." At the start of the game, chefs will look at one each for two different pots of curry. Be sure to watch what ingredients other chefs are adding to get a hint at what kind of recipe it is!

The different ingredients will add balance and taste to the pot of curry. Some ingredients are "secret ingredients" which also have a special ability, such as looking at the recipe or balance limit of a curry in which you've seen neither.

At any time, instead of adding an ingredient, a chef can claim a pot of curry, taking all the ingredient cards added, and is finished taking turns until all other chefs have also claimed a curry. If the ingredient balance exceeds the curry balance limit, then it can't be called curry and that chef scores no points. If under the limit, add up the ingredients taste and the chef with the best tasting curry wins!!

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