Publisher: (Self-Published)
A game published by The Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra, about ...philharmony. You have to match musicians with instruments and compositions to gest them to play a concert. All that with cards, dice and a board. And a little bit of negative interaction.
In the box (nicely finished in matte), you get a 4 page instruction, a board with 57 squares, 4 cardboard pawns (with plastic clip-on bases), 50 "Musician" cards, 50 "Music piece" cards, 50 "Musical instrument" cards, 50 "Event" or "Occurrence" cards, 18 "Concert" tokens, 18 "Golden treble clef" tokens and a six-sided dice. The goal of the game is to get 5 "Golden treble" tokens (or 3 in the shorter game variant).
Players actions consist of a dice roll, movement (either clockwise or counter clockwise), and performing the action listed on the space of the board (kind of like in Talisman ). The board spaces consist of actions like: draw a card from indicated pile, gain or lose a token, use a shortcut, exchange a card with other player and so on. The "Event" cards change the course of the game. You can use such card as soon as you draw one, or leave it for later (depending on the card). Example: "Thanks to your hard work, the orchestra will play at a festival abroad. You get a 'Concert' token".
"Music piece" cards should be matched with "Musicians" and "Instruments" - for example "Music piece: Chopin - Prelude in E minor. Instrument needed: piano" -> you have to find a musician who plays piano, like "Miss Wanda. A piano expert", and a "Instrument" card with a piano. One musician can often play more than one instrument, but there's a twist: for example you can get a pianist, but he only plays one composer's pieces, or he doesn't play Chopin's or Mozart's or someone's music. "Instruments" cards (50 cards, but 16 types of instruments) include some technical/historical info; "Musicians" cards are quite funny in polish. If you get 3 such matching cards (music piece, musician, instrument), you get a "Concert" token. Then you have to get to a "Practice room" field on the board (there's two of them; roll a dice or use a shortcut). When you get there, you discard the "Concert" token and get the "Golden clef".
—user summary