
Feed the Shoggoth! (2015)

Rank: 17763
3-6 Players
30-60 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Feed the Shoggoth is a fast and furious card game, in which players each control a different cult faction, facing a very angry and hungry Shoggoth in the middle of the table. To earn points and win the game, the players attempt to sacrifice Minions from their cult to the Shoggoth (bad news for Minions, but what do you expect when you join an evil cult?). However, the Shoggoth is indiscriminate in who it eats; if you can't feed the Shoggoth on your turn with a Minion, it eats you, and you're out of the game!

During your turn, if the Shoggoth is in front of you, you have the ability to sacrifice on Minion from your hand. The other Cult Leaders at the table can attempt to disrupt your sacrifice by casting spells to move the Shoggoth away from you, stealing Minions from your hand, or any one of many dastardly methods (Rival Cult Leaders are insidious that way).

If the active player is still able to keep the Shoggoth in front of them during their sacrifice phase, the Minion is gobbled up, the player earns a point token, the Shoggoth moves to the player to the left, and the active player draws back up to their hand limit.

The winner is either the first player to reach the victory point goal (determined how many players are participating), or the last player standing.

The theme of the game is based on the works of HP Lovecraft; those players who are familiar with either the stories of HPL and/or the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game will recognize many of the names and terms on the cards. However, this isn't yet another game with the name "Cthulhu" tacked on at the end (and in fact, Cthulhu himself never directly makes an appearance in the game). The theme has been interwoven into the game play itself.

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