Publisher: (Self-Published)
EZCAPE is a turn based strategy and cooperative card game about Teamwork, Deception, Survival and...Zombies! It is easy to learn, quick to play and will keep you entertained for hours. Each player is tasked with trying to save as many Survivors as possible while simultaneously fighting to stop from being overrun by Zombies. Played in a Russian Roulette style with a single (4 - 6 players) or double (7 - 12 players) deck of game cards ranging in values 2, 3, 5, 8 and 13. There are three types of cards - Red (Zombies), Blue (Survivors) and White (Zombie Traps).
The goal is to keep the attacking Zombies to below 21, while simultaneously taking risks to save as many survivors as possible and the game ends when half the players are converted into Zombies. It is quite fast paced yet provides ample opportunity for strategic gameplay.