Designer: Osamu Iijima
Artist: Osamu Iijima
User summary
エレガンツ (Elegantu) is a Japanese card game in the style of Mao, with players trying to play the game within unknown rules of etiquette. In this case, the rule cards are "manner" cards, and when someone violates the manners you can play the manner card on them and claim points.
Players gradually discover the rules in force as the game progresses. For example: "you must raise your pinky finger when drawing a card". The player calls out OGEHIN!, which means 'how rude!' when playing a manner card on another player. The game also has points cards, 1,2 and 3 pts.
The first edition sold out, and the designer has produced a second edition with some English on the cards. A crib sheet might help with accurately understanding the etitquette rules.
Publisher's summary
Pull cards from the deck while practicing your best etiquette and collect point cards. If another player breaks one of the rules written on a Manner Card in your hand, say "how rude!" and play it on the table. Then the player with bad manners loses points, and the player who revealed the Manner Card gets points. At the end the player with the most points wins.