
El juego de la salud (2009)

Rank: --
1-15 Players
0 Min
Age: 9+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Falomir Juegos

Health, understood as a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social, is a good of society we should promote and respect. Educating the public about health is to invest in welfare in the present and future.

The game of health, provides basic and useful knowledge about everyday life in today's society. Many of the diseases can be prevented with a simple modification of incorrect or harmful habits. The game promotes positive values such as respect, responsibility, self-control, hygiene and citizenship, which have now fallen into disuse.

The Game of Health, in an entertaining way, transmitting health-related securities through a set of questions and answers. The material consists of a game board, dice, four tabs and 478 cards with questions on different subjects, 340 wild and 138 overall.

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