
Dream On!: Afternoon Nap Version (2020)

Create a dream together with other players, then recall it for a high score.

Rank: --
2-8 Players
15-20 Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: --

This version is a "taster" format, affectionately named "Afternoon Nap Version", featuring 56 of the 156 cards of the original game. Released during the COVID-19 pandemic as a freebie to help people cope with the isolation.

Dreams can be vivid, as if they're actually happening — but when they end, they can be hard to remember. With a little luck, and some careful communication with friends, a dream can be something that's cherished forever.

Dream On! is a collective storytelling game in which players create a dream together. Using the dream cards, they have two minutes to create a dream story. When the timer runs out, they then have to remember what happened in the dream and in what order. They score points for getting the details correct. At the end of the game, they tally up their score to see how much of their collective dream they've remembered.

-description from publisher's website

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