
Counter-Attack: The Battle of Arras, 1940 (2019)

Re-fight one of the few Allied counter-offensives in the Battle of France.

Rank: 12805
1-2 Players
120-480 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.36/5

"A critical moment came just as my forces reached the Channel. It was caused by a British counter-stroke southwards from Arras on 21 May. For a short time it was feared the panzer divisions would be cut off before the infantry divisions could come up to support them. None of the french counter-attacks carried the threat of this one."
- Von Rundstedt, Commander German Army Group "A".

Counter-Attack: The Battle of Arras, 1940 is a two-player game simulating the British and French attack on mobile German elements near Arras, France, on May 21, 1940.

—description from the publisher

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