
Corporation$ (2012)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Dan Rushing

Publisher: Xtari Games, LLC.

Corporation$ is a modern economic game. Create ultimate wealth by building corporations that dominate their industries and test your investment skills by choosing which corporations to buy stock in. Expand your influence by merging corporations and starting new corporations in new industries. But be careful or you may over-extend and find yourself with no cash to keep your corporations running and then lose your influence!

Players start by choosing an industry to launch their corporation. Then they can buy stock in their corporation, increase the corporations market share, and even merge even merge with other corporations. The player has to decide which strategy will work to their benefit. Should they buy more stocks, increase their market share, or merge with other corporations.

During regular gameplay, players receive revenue from their corporations, pay expenses, buy and sell stocks, buy marketshare in the auction phase, or merge with other corporations.

The player with the most net worth at the end of the game wins!

With Corporation$ you must balance your ambitious goals of becoming the wealthiest billionaire while managing the growing needs of your corporations. Do it poorly and count yourself one of the many who have tried and failed. Do it well and you may become the greatest wealth-generating businessman and investor of all time! At least within the world of the game called Corporation$.

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