Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Seamus Gamus
"Containment" is a game played between pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear factions. Pro-nuclear players try to go "on line" and produce electricity; anti-nuclear players try to shut down the reactor and switch to alternate forms of energy production. A reactor in the center of the board moves either towards or away from meltdown as the game progresses, depending on the players' actions.
"Containment" may be played on three levels: a Basic game that is purely luck driven, a Standard game that uses arguments and counterarguments (given on the game board) in the nuclear power debate to influence game play, and an Advanced game that calls on the players to evaluate and rank their own arguments as well as those of their opponents.
The game is obviously inspired by the events at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in 1979, as one of the arguments given on the game board explicitly mentions TMI. The box cover artwork is also very evocative of TMI.