
ConSEXuate Diverso (2021)

A game of affective sex education with focus on diversity.

Rank: --
2-10 Players
20-30 Min
Age: 16+
Complexity: --

ConSEXuate Diverso is a game of affective Sex Education with focus on Diversity, a trivia of questions divided into the following categories: Love and Eroticism, Prevention, Debate, Body, Gender, plus an instruction manual with their respective answers.

The cards are shuffled and the deck is placed in the center, a randomly designated participant will start the game by taking a card from the deck and reading the question or trigger aloud. At your convenience you can choose a partner to help you with an answer. Once the player answers correctly (the answer does not have to be textual), he keeps the card and we go to the next player, so on, the course of the game will continue. In case of not answering correctly, you must leave the card under the deck, the answers are found in this manual, so it should be kept throughout the game.

The cards are divided into colors according to their category. When drawing a YELLOW card, the group must answer together, creating a single answer among all. The player who touched this card must draw a new one for the individual response.

The game ends when the agreed session time is over. Whoever has the most number of cards is the one who knew the most to answer about sexuality. We all win by learning!!!

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