Using custom printed cards, recruit champs to deplete your opponent’s reserves.
Designer: Jackbox Games, Samuel Strick
Publisher: Jackbox Games
Champ’d Up: Slam Down is a collectable card game with custom decks of cards generated by playing Champ’d Up from The Jackbox Party Pack 7. The games live in the same universe, but they’re totally different. For starters, one is a video game and one is a card game. Also, one is an 8-player party game about making funny characters and the other is a 2-player combat strategy card game.
Champ’d Up: Slam Down is a unique two-player card game where each player takes the role of a trainer battling champs against their opponent until only one player is left standing/sitting! Each turn you will recruit champs from your hand into the ring to fight your opponent’s champs. Deplete your opponent’s reserves and call them out to declare victory and win the game!
To get a pack (you only need one), play an online game of Champ’d Up in The Jackbox Party Pack 7. Create ridiculous champs and battle them for supremacy. But draw with care because these champs are going to make their way into the physical world! After your game, you can purchase a pack of Champ’d Up: Slam Down cards with the characters you created in Champ’d Up. It will be custom printed and delivered right to your door. When you receive your cards, grab a friend and play this simple but exciting take on a 1-on-1 collectable card game. Combine decks and trade cards with others for even more ridiculous mayhem.
Players will take turns until a player wins the game. The player who is taking a turn is referred to as the “active player.” At the very start of their turn, the active player gets 3 energy. On the active player's turn, they can use energy to execute a variety of actions: Recruit, Hype, Fight, use Special abilities, and Call out their Opponent. Slam Down's custom cards means a diverse variety of cards can be printed from playing Champ'd Up (in the Jackbox Party Pack 7) repeat times. Fighting is how players remove opposing champs from the ring. If the active player has a champ in the ready position and their opponent has no players in the ring, the active player can call them out. If the active player calls out an opponent with no champs in their reserve, the game ends and they win the game!
—description from publisher