Kids on a bug hunt work together to snag the critters.
Designer: かぶきけんいち (Kenichi Kabuki), Woshida (ヲシダ)
Artist: Jyujin Ohtsbo (おーつぼじゅうじん)
Publisher: Game Nowa
昆虫ゲッチュ! (Catch the Bug!) is a game from Japan about kids out on a bug hunt.
Players place square cards on the table, building up a grid of bug cards and squads of kids hunting the bugs. When the tableau is complete, players score for the bugs they have secured.
Players try to get their kids to form intersects around some bugs. This means that only one squad can catch each bug.
The kids are ranked by their skills 1-3 with the older kids better more able, and the bugs are also valued 1-4 and -3. Kids can only catch insects if their individual or combined skills are equal or better than the wisdom of the elusive critters. Catching a risky insect like a hornet scores negative points. If multiple squads are competing, the squad with higher skills in total wins the insect.
As the grid develops, players can place good catches at their own kids, and bad catches onto their opponents. The game is quick and easy to play.
At the finish, the highest total score wins.
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